Wednesday, August 24, 2011

23 before 23

Oh Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson would be proud of me for this one. As one of my I-could-watch-it-a-million-times movies, the Bucket List inspired a lot of people to get off their derrières and do the things in life they always said they wanted to before they "kicked the bucket." This is not one of those lists; well not really. I do have a bucket list, however it is much more complex (in thought, abstract in concept) and is always being added to and deducted from. This list, that I actually started sometime back, is the more detailed things I would like to do in the next year of my life (actually 270 days, because I have been 22 for 95 days now, woah!). I feel like I am at quite a time in my life. A time where things are ever changing and I hope this list of 23 will help me successfully make those changes in my life; moving on and learning from the past, living in and appreciating the present, all while embracing the future and what is to come.

Sing Karaoke in a crowded bar
I by no means am a shy person. On the other hand, I, by no means am a good singer. Singing for me is limited to the shower and the car or in moments of inebriation, which I'm sure I also will be needed for this to happen. I've thought of what song I'd dare to disgrace. AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long is not only one of my favorite songs but also a crowd-pleaser, however also in the top running are those classics that everyone knows all the words to; All my Rowdy Friends, Prop Me Up Beside the Jukebox or maybe even a little Friends in Low Places for reminiscence. 
Dance with a complete stranger
I believe dancing opens your soul to the world, allowing you to be uninhibited while being vulnerable. The later can be unnerving, for most, but for me it's exhilarating. Dancing with a complete stranger further adds vulnerability, so naturally I want to venture into that territory.  
Purchase a cruiser bike
With my plans of moving to a slightly larger city at the first of the year, (big girl world and a big girl job let's hope) I will need to be more financially conscious. However, with this I do not want to neglect my exploration of my new area, thus a bike for a nice Sunday ride to the Farmer's Market.
Purchase a old-school Polaroid Camera
These are just precious and I really believe would create awesome pieces of art. My only concern is finding film for a reasonable price.
The importance of giving back to one's community is often over looked by my 20-25 year age range. The business of school, jobs, and a crazy transitional times can allow other's needs to be brushed under the rug when compared to our own. Thus I want to make a point to give back to my community for the opportunity to help others and also meet others my age who value the importance of helping those in need. I adore Easley Baptist Hospital Emergency Room, where I volunteer 4-6 hours a week. I have meet awesome people from all areas of life and experienced very unique situations people including prisoner patients, ah! I also have become involved with the Upstate Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization! 
Start and Finish at least 6 Sewing projects
Because of my ongoing craft obsession, my love of Pinterest (which includes finding numerous tutorials for pillow covering, tshirt transformations, amongst other fun easy projects), and my need for constant pant hemming (due to my short stature and consignment shopping) I plan to invest in a sewing machine and use the opportunity to spend bonding time with my adorable grandmother. I have a sewing machine!! My lovely grandmother had an extra just hanging around so I scooped it up and had her and my gracious Aunt Margaret show me a few tricks of the trade to start practicing with!
Start Blogging
Sharing ideas with others has always been my nature, particularly with my Gib, thus starting a more formal communication method (rather than endless texts and mms messages everyday). The endless texts and mms haven't stopped and probably never will.
Join a Jazzercise class, or like-thereof
When it comes to fitness, I'm definitely one who has a new-years, st. patty's, mayflower day, easter, memorial day, back-to-school, thanksgiving, and any other day resolutions. Each of these last only weeks before attempting to make the next holiday goal. Although I am a fairly active person with daily walks, I hope joining a fitness group will allow me to not only meet others but have fun with my fitness goals.
Re-read my favorite book (To Kill a Mockingbird) AND indulge in 5 new books
I am such a closet literary freak. I enjoy reading however, similar to my fitness plans, often falls by the wayside after about 100 pages. Solution? Only read books less than 100 pages? Or add it to my 23 before 23? The later.
Hair Cut Chop
I have changed so very much through the last year of my life and as I continue to change in the next four to six months, including approaching college graduation and starting my professional career, physical change is going to add an even greater edge to my new chapter in life. Now, as it has taken me almost four years to get my locks to the length they are now (about mid-back) and because my hair short has never been an option or desire of mine, I hope I will be able to muster the courage to go through with this one. The new plan: Tips Purple Dyed after the first week in November (when I take my senior pictures) and then chop right before I walk across that big stage!?
Attend a Roller Derby
Just for fun, people on roller blade knocking the snot out of each other. It should definitely be an experience.
See another play at the Greenville Peace Center
After the past two years of attending shows at the Peace Center during the holidays (The Nutcracker at Christmas and Wicked with the lovely Ella) I have developed a great appreciation for theater and the magic that takes place during a live performance. Coming up Westside Story, Sleeping Beauty, or drumroll Lion King (which is actually in June, after big 2-3 so this might be a late payment)
Dine at Urbanspoon's top 5 restaurants for York, Rock Hill, Clemson and Greenville and Atlanta
I love my Urbanspoon Roulette App almost as much as I love discovering new places (when food is included it's even better) thus tackling these 20 restaurants should be a breeze. Adding on Atlanta became a must with Cell's big move so bump that number to 25.
Perform 15 random acts of kindness
How I will measure this, I am not sure. But I feel this should be on everyone's, young and old, list everyday. 1
Go to a MLB, NFL, and NBA game
I'm not a big sports buff, but I'm definitely a small-town-girl-next-door raised with a brother that knows the games and enjoys a good event. Went to my first Braves game with Cell August 13th.
Obtain a retail or serving job
I have heard that you truly do not appreciate those that work in a customer service position until you yourself have taken on the task of balancing people's needs with their cranky emotions. With absolutely no retail or serving experience finding such employment should prove to be a challenge.
Take a cooking class
Although I have started my own culinary academy at home, venturing into a formal setting and learning those things my dear mother (who does not cook) or grandmother (who's age has started to make her cooking a hit or a big miss) never was able to show me. My other option is to adopt an elder in the area and get her to teach me the tricks of the trade. ha
Learn to do my own taxes
Big girl world means big girl responsibilities. My mother, having worked in the financial world for sometime, has always tackled this daunting task, however as a future math teacher I think it's time for me to understand that area, which can also be used in my high school math classes.
Go to Vegas
G-Vegas and RockVegas (Greenville and Rock Hill) are nice weekend experiences, but get serious, everyone wants to have a true Vegas experience. And I might add that the Vegas and Bangkok owe Warner Brother's at least 10% of their commission after Alan, Phil, Stew and Doug and hit the world by storm.
Learn to proficiently drive a stick-shift
I already know the basics of driving a manual vehicle, most experiences include several choke-downs (Liberty and Main Street downtown York infront of a patrolman amongst others) however every responsible driver should master this task in the event that they get a little tooter sports car or an old beat down Ford (meanwhile I'll be in my big box Tahoe waving with a generous smile).
Hang curtains in every room of my home
After several years off searching I still have not come across reasonably priced window hard(or better yet soft)ware. I really want this to be one of my sewing projects as I can imagine now an awesome soft ivory-yellow canvas print or chevron pattern to block all light and allow me to nap at any point in the day (I already actually do that as I am one who can sleep anywhere).
Go to one (or multiple) music festivals
Being such a huge music lover and truly enjoying going to any and every event I can come across this will most likely be on every yearly list until I have to push a walker around the nursing home. Although I tend to favor to small local festivals (which means bluegrass, country music, and classic rock, all my favorites) my appreciation for all music genres is vast and thus am definitely interesting in experiencing something a little different. 
  • I attended Clemson's annual Spittoono Festival Friday August 26 and Saturday August 27, this redneck hilbilly event is one that I have been planning to go to for three straight years however other situations have prevented me from attending. I am extremely glad I indulged!
Grow and eat my own vegetables
Green Thumb and Grub combine together to challenge my ability to be self-sufficient. Living in a college town apartment or a downtown loft will probably present a hiccup to my tilling up a little garden, so Brenda and Philip might get this in their back yard.

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